Unfortunately we aren’t accepting new patients at present whilst we work to reduce our waiting list.
Call us on: 07733 274 522
Unfortunately we aren’t accepting new patients at present whilst we work to reduce our waiting list.
Call us on: 07733 274 522


  Quoted in our morning newspaper last week, were figures that did not make for good reading. 60% of children and young people referred for specialist mental healthcare via a GP do not receive treatment (based upon data drawn from 32 NHS Trusts in England). It must be said that to those with knowledge and...
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Trending on Twitter in recent times has been the hashtag #ChoosePsychiatry. It’s linked to a carefully-constructed campaign that the Royal College of Psychiatrists devised in order to shine a light on the specialism and persuade more doctors to do just that: To choose Psychiatry. It’s something that got us thinking. Thinking about our own background(s)....
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That life can be tough for teenagers is an age-old issue. In modern Britain however, it seems problems are increasing, and one survey highlights girls in particular. This is a conclusion of recent research suggesting one-in-four 14-year-old girls could be considered depressed (or self report signs/symptoms that could lead to such a diagnosis which is...
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Endless days ahead. Weeks stretching far into the future. The possibilities are endless . . . Got much planned? It’s our hope that bingeing on tablets and smartphones, computers and consoles doesn’t dominate the summer schedule too much. That word – ‘bingeing’ – isn’t one that we’ve chosen to use in this context (it’s one...
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In recent days, Public Health England have released a new report that focuses on school-aged children. The report in question is based around three main topics, which are Cyberbullying, Intentional Self-Harm in Adolescence and the Wellbeing of Adolescent Girls. For obvious reasons, this is of great interest and relevance to us here. The PHE report...
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For us – as adults – terrible events such as the one that took place in Manchester are difficult to process. Understanding is a significant challenge. Young people and children can find the confusion even greater at times such as these. Their anxieties may be amplified and their fears may suddenly surface. Parents (and other...
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It has been trending on Twitter and featured on Facebook. Discussed both online and off. In newspapers, in books and in magazines. On television – the tales told both factual and fictional. That autism is in the spotlight like never before is beyond any doubt. Yet understanding – proper understanding – remains elusive. This is...
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Responsible for the school run? Two questions: How do you get there and back? What do you do while waiting for the children to go in and come out again? There’s a reasonable chance that the respective answers to these questions are ‘in the car’ and ‘I look at something or other on a smartphone’....
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It sounds rather clichéd. Like something from a movie or a hackneyed novel. That just before death, life flashes before one’s eyes. The thing is, it might just be true. That conclusion is one that has been reached following research in Jerusalem that suggests that, as our functions start to fail, the parts of the...
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Mental Health – and all its associated issues – has been in the news a great deal in recent days. From funding to training and taking greater precedence amongst Government priorities, there is cause for optimism and reason to believe that the steps being taken are ones that, at long last, head in the right...
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